Swim* Climb* Jump* |
Balance* Pilot* Ride* Escape Artist* Hide* Move Silently* Sleight of Hand Tumble |
Battlemind (FS) Drain Energy* (FS) (DS) Enhance Ability (FS) |
Appraise* Astrogate Computer Use* Craft* Demolitions Disable Device Forgery* Knowledge Repair Search* Force Grip* (FS) (DS) Force Lightning* (FS) (DS) Force Strike* (FS) (DS?) Move Object* (FS) |
Gamble* Listen* Profession Sense Motive* Spot* Survival* Treat Injury* Empathy* (FS) Enhance Senses (FS) Farseeing (FS) Fear* (FS) (DS) Heal Another* (FS) See Force* (FS) Telepathy (FS) |
Bluff* Diplomacy* Disguise* Entertain* Gather Information* Handle Animal Intimidate* Affect Mind (FS) Force Defense (FS) Force Stealth* (FS) Friendship* (FS) Heal Self* (FS) Illusion (FS) |
* - This skill may be used untrained (i.e. with a rank of 0)
FS - Force Skill
DS - Dark Side (Using this skill will earn you a Dark Side Point
DS? - Dark Side point if used against a living being